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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT

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until september when they will face a closed doors trial but russia is accused of being a little quick on the truth when it comes to labeling people spies they say that there isn't enough evidence to link these people to to moscow and says that the russians all the only people that think that russia has jumped the gun a few times on labeling people spice up to go would judges are so quick to speak. to anyone i guess is just. and that has been noticed not just. last year we saw thirteen people arrested on espionage charges now nine of those were found guilty just last week and hunted down sentences ranging between eleven years and fourteen years now in itself there has been a bit of a outcry against this we're hearing from a georgian daily newspaper. of what they determine to be determined to be a witch hunt going on against anybody who opposes saakashvili they say that to
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start off it was businessmen then it was politicians and scientists and now the new target all of this which is journalists position say saakashvili is trying to use these spy saugus was it would seem to try and put himself across as a hero in school political points who are. you are. you are. who are. you know. because. really the entire russian he's never heard or he's criticized who or whose life. and they say this anybody runs the risk of having themselves labeled a spy and having their reputation brought the drug through the mud like that should they stand up against saakashvili. all these payroll over there with the latest
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full george's opus ition you don't need a budget ology spoke to she said the evidence the authorities are claiming they go up could have been obtained under pressure. but it's not just education one person who always done the right it is giving such kind of explanations they specially had to take into account that she was arrested not only himself but his wife too and they have a very small child to live but have been released out as a. was two weeks this photographer mention so of course it's quite difficult for me to say one hundred percent what is behind us said but situations i've seen joy get time to time we are receiving such scandals these condos have no real legal outcomes and we never saw any kind of real human patients that government you think right now government decided to hire a journalist she's still quite symbolical because government research trying to control everybody and everything until now we didn't to see if even one of the dems
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had said to the large government and saying this is a reality going to have a chronic problem being side when you have problems with social and health care when you have a problem with elementary or low for a little and the rights of the people when you lost your country twenty percent of thirty thirty because the old and they get caught then that is responsible action you should find somebody who will be guilty in everything which is wrong in the country because we're very old probably to go to kony and be seized just as quite easy to explain it's russian size and the meat and everything what we were wrong in the country linked with russian so saakashvili creating things i cannot say i mean me and trying to leak everybody who is against quemoy against his regime and who is fighting for real democracy in this country he is trying to link was russian. next tonight has feared that around two hundred people may have been killed in a series of explosions that shook the city of up or down in turkmenistan some local
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reports say the blast happened when we nations death over government continues to claim it was a fireworks factory state officials haven't confirmed any casualties effected areas close to the public now in place to stop anyone from filming or taking pictures but if people can't contact their families or friends because of disruption to telephone lines a special government commission is reportedly now being set up to investigate the incident when i stand so long but every secretive state on the internet banned until recently r.t. contacted the editor of human rights website in turkmenistan who gave us his latest information. to the national treasure starting from yesterday people began returning to the town the fires have been put out the locals know helping soldiers to clean up according to reports the number of casualties and those who died because of injuries has reached nine hundred but we have to verify this information i cannot guarantee its reliability but it's certainly more than two hundred people many died in hospital the residents of about down are no longer in a state of panic but some are still looking for their family members and i can't
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say that the situation is calm in some remote regions people aren't aware of what's happened as they have no internet access some are perhaps unhappy as the would like the president to announce a state of mourning or express his condolences it seems that their forty's aren't willing to admit that there are casualties there's no official theory as to the causes of the explosion initially there was an opinion that the fire happened because of very hot weather frankly speaking it's hard for me to tell therefore i won't be drawing any conclusions as for witnesses many servicemen who were guarding those warehouses who died in the fire. ok to close our most story of day two as we get more details and also coming up in the program guilty until proven innocent does the front page coverage of u.s. criminal cases bloodying the waters of the justice system be ours we report on concerns that many trials have been prejudiced. the owner of the news the world rupert murdoch's due to fly to london to confront the crisis of his troubled
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british tabloid police are now investigating the deletion of millions of e-mails that were potentially valuable evidence in the phone hacking scandal there the papers accused of snooping on the phone messages of politicians celebrities and victims of crime a number of arrests were made on friday including that of andy corson a former editor of the paper who also serves as the prime minister's media chief the tabloids former royal correspondent was also arrested both women later released on bail the prime minister's announced two independent public inquiry is now as a result of the scandal this is news of the world staff are preparing for its final edition this sunday following the announcement of its to close i spoke to john gaunt who used to work for one of murdoch's newspapers he told me media and political circles in the u.k. a too close. many of us were calling for a full public inquiry led by a judge and cameron has been dragged into this position he's now willing to let it happen six truly embarrassing for at least part of what's called the chipping candombe set which is a rural part of britain he lives down there at the weekend rebecca brooks lives
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down there cern columnist lived down there and the whole set you can to make socially that set was a different set when labor in power with tony blair but all of it is too cozy and too comfortable if you don't have a real democracy you have to have a separation between the press surely and indeed the political establishment and the government of the day you also need to have separation between the judiciary and those two areas in britain and the united kingdom they've become too close over the last thirteen or fourteen years and i believe that last may not ordinary people in britain their view. have not really been represented either in the newspapers or in the political arena that's bad for democracy so david cameron should start investigating himself as far as i'm concerned and one would your employer a man who's already had to resign over phone hacking allegations why would you take him to the heart of government where he could have access to top secret dossier as
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an information it's a sorry sorry day let me tell you not just for the british press but for british democracy. thoughts there john go on speaking to me earlier on you can have your say as well it's always good to hear from you on our website it's not our call where asking is shutting down the news of the world the right decision what's your view on the snow the vast majority of you still saying yes because they think rupert murdoch's media dominance should be ended fifteen percent he's saying yes but for the reason that such tabloids are an embarrassment to the british media but fear of this hour believing that news the world's been made a scapegoat in the least popular response is that it's the wrong decision that the paper's coverage stuff shouldn't be punished still chance of course they go online r.t. dot com while you're there as well you might be interested in these stories of a cat fight here i can't walk turns into a cat fight in central russia or a model trips up close and bumps into a colleague and it all goes wrong after that for pictures online also you can watch
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our interview with the daughter no less of charlie chaplin who talks about the ups and downs of life as an actor really interesting chat online tonight want to catch it. defectors from syria's security forces say they were given shoot to kill orders by their superiors when dealing with protesters he would rights watch was published interviews with former soldiers and members of the security agencies involved in government crackdowns this is tens of thousands took part in a rally in the city of hama on friday calling for president bashar assad to step down at least thirteen people were killed in mass demonstrations that erupted in other cities as well according to activists tanks were deployed in crackdowns on protesters earlier in the week more than one hundred people have been killed since anti-government protests began in march syria's deputy foreign minister has told us
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that r t that any interference in the country's affairs would end in disaster. serious position has been clearly articulated and the global community is aware of the military forces syria hands so even if the west is thinking of going to benin we would advise them not to syria is the key to the balance at least any meddling with the symptoms would fail as you would drive this region to destroy western countries are well aware of this nevertheless they keep hating arabs and syria in particular what is of our political stand on the arab israeli conflict because of our its chief wants of success and our progress on the reform struggle through under the leadership of president bashar al assad what happened in syria expected to spread like an epidemic across other our countries in order to weaken now israel and the west want to impose their civilization supremacy the values of the mindset on us i very carefully and all of the signals west wants from especially view of
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recent events and i must say that in the truth they do not wish us well. just let you know you watch the full interview with syria's deputy foreign minister here on r.t. throughout the day sunday tomorrow the us media has come under fire for its reporting of a number of high profile criminal trials the case of a single mother casey anthony acquitted of murdering her two year old child earlier this week india has been at the center of heated debate for years as art is an assessor churkin reports next there are concerns that public opinion isn't julie swayed by the headlines rather than the evidence. innocent until proven guilty it's a whole mark principle of the american justice system illegally often shoved aside from the vigor of some of the arrests young african black and brown subjects being sat down in the street and an obsessive kind of way fifty shots sixty sets laying
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on our stomach in our back as we ride or as we walk or flee to beating suspects into offenses in cases of entrapment entrapment is not legal entrapment is getting someone to do something that they would normally do to perp walks that parade suspects in handcuffs for the world to see. to a media frenzy devouring some cases and not others i finally did before i see it as guilty until proven guilty in these cases the government is changing the laws so are you presumed guilty from the get go and how much of a role does the media play if you're accused of a penis crime it's going to be a huge headlines on page one when you're exonerated it's on page twenty seven below the fold to column inches and your neighbors somehow didn't manage to catch it that day so everyone still thinks you're a child molester take the not guilty verdict in the casey anthony murder case involving her two year old daughter the court of public opinion remains split from
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the court of justice all thanks to nonstop media coverage of the case for the past three years. and i think it's made me happy and i get it but from the media assume she was going to be able to in the case of former i.m.f. head dominique strauss kahn the media satisfied their gluttonous taste with extreme passion only for the case to crumble i think there should be a. media outlets are required to play your exoneration up as big and as long as your accusation this is rarely the case as dubious practices in the criminal justice system spread so does the finger pointing and questioning the future of human rights in the us where as we go in as americans i'm sitting one years old and i'm like all. this is getting now going this is really good the principles that he wants once prided itself in our mind are fire suspects having to fight their battles publicly from the minute they arrest him
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a chance to prove their innocence underlining the discrepancies in the u.s. criminal justice system are alive and kicking the citron out pretty early on. coming up with a program heading east to take you on a little bit later the court of ghana region it's something siberia is a place where entrepreneurs indeed is singlehandedly fighting for sobriety and a better life style he rules with a firm hand that woman got more on his story coming up in a bit also this two. we're messing about on the river just outside moscow but why am i in a wetsuit to find out in just a few minutes. also make you headlines tonight south sudan has become the world's newest nation following separation from the north thousands of people have taken part in massive celebrations in the city of juba the capital of the new state however the two separated countries haven't yet reached agreement on the board is natural resources all the status of their citizens clashes over disputed territory
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still continue in some areas most world news pro palestinian activists have clashed with security forces in two separate incidents in the west bank some of the protesters hail stones at israeli soldiers who responded with several arrests earlier about one hundred pro palestinian campaigners clashed with security forces at a major israeli checkpoint calling for the return of refugees. in the lazy police of fired tear gas and arrested up to sixteen hundred activists as thousands gathered across the capital kuala lumpur those detained included several senior opposition officials in protest which was the country's biggest political rally in years was the culmination of weeks of pressure on the prime minister demanding electoral reforms ahead of national polls expected next year the national front been in power for almost six decades now on the road. call for change. they want to what position you hold in society there are some accusations that could ruin your reputation forever even if they might be proved false mud sticks
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and the allegations themselves can be enough to destroy careers laurie half and a star resident in new york asked people about the forty issue of the law on sex crimes. the sexual assault cases of d s k angelina stands are getting a lot of coverage in the news do you think it's right for women or men to report any sexual encounters they feel uncomfortable with this week let's talk about that there are two rules first time travel leave and the second rule is old man a boss at the till proven otherwise if she feels that she's been violated i think reporting is the best idea and how that plays out you know that that's how that plays out the reporting is should be a woman's instinct at what point does it cross over to consider just for taishan. yeah it's a it's a tough line between those two people we're just two people it's impossible i think women should not get in situations i think there are lots of times that we put
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ourselves in situations and we have a messenger inside us that says get out of there and sometimes we don't listen to that message one says no or she says no it's a no is it the same for women as for man one hundred percent. so why do we treat it more as a woman session because it happens more often to women. but men have a pride to go sort of a big rubber soul don't bother. about money rich get richer the poor get poorer. so is this just another way for women to get rich. so do you think it's fair that the law generally tends to side with women. and i think it's impossible to really say what's fair what's not at this point again like ari ari dia's of what fair change so much i think in general my inclination is to say yes it is because women have for the most part of been the victims for so many years that you almost have to
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side more with them in order to make it equal it's like affirmative action in a way like you have to do something to make things better so that they're not always the victims no matter how you feel about the lines of sexual assault the. bottom line is that the rule no means no will always be a good one to follow. from new york to russia time for russia close up to him to take you on a journey two thousand kilometers east of moscow we're still in russia to. welcome you to the chord again region as you can see the muppets at the very tip of southern side barriers home to mountains and untouched landscapes sounds great but the much real beauty of it is not appealing to all of its residents in fact entire villages are becoming ghost towns as people move to the cities of his exam
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a boy to abolish to find one place though where the residents have a good reason to stay she takes us there now. here we are in the village of chast syria in the core of grand reacher and for the past to an hour fifteen years its population has been steadily increasing here is the reason why. it's monday morning and alexander a former prison guard is it work testing the incoming employees for alcohol. if they're over the limit there is a choice to be cited for a no show and lose thirty percent of them on salary my job three kilometers and be docked ten percent of that months of wage. we do the testing every morning regardless of gender or position within the company the could be that they will see it on their paycheck and that's a strong incentive not to drink during the working week. enforced alcohol abstinence is the idea of this man alexander able to cough is the director of the
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still such plan and likes to extend his influence as far as possible a man of big ideas very epitome of micromanagement for the past fifteen years he's been preaching to his employees how to make good sausages and how to live a good life. while it is a must it's the quality of the product to give you this job in the first place and it's the quality that determines whether you'll keep it after firing dozens of workers for showing up drunk at work or xander started laughing his employees on the harms of all the whole three times a day during with breaks. the holy roman emperor charlemagne said that those could drunk for the first time should be beaten with a stick those court for the second time should be beaten in public court for the third time should be hanged as a former boxer he's not shy about exercising his rule with an r in face and has built his version of the iron curtain around his plan with dozens of video cameras
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around the facility employees have no chance to circumvent the law of big brother on the off side thefts and no longer the issue. with their rules are very rigid and most people find it hard to comply but those who don't play by alexander's rules don't work here. alexander's drive to set the rules of the game doesn't and within his plan the only corporate tax payer in the village of four thousand people he's taken on a very wide notion of social responsibility using the plants profits he paved only local roads renovated the school and built the church and while he agrees that modesty is a virtue his fondness of giving guidance and advice is evident wherever he goes you are it doesn't matter that you come from a village what matters most is to get a good education thank god we've got good teachers and behave well in school is that clear. but this approach has divided villagers the majority believe alexander
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is a blessing for a minority and primarily those who he's fired on not as impressed. as the old saying goes one man's meat is another man's poison not everybody in this village appreciates the xander philosophy that he's tenacity in spreading it around some people call him a control freak others to resort to more agricultural language his opponents also include some local officials who believe that alexander has too much power that infringes on their own authority but alexander accuses them of not doing enough for the people when i ask him whether he'd like to run for office he's a response was a resounding no because if you're blessed i think the whole purpose of power is to create to make life around you better and in this regard i have all the power that i need as for the iron fist i think every successful activity requires discipline strict discipline and it starts with me instead of waiting for somebody to come and
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do something i do it myself i may offend other people but sooner or later they'll understand that i was doing it for the wrong good. many historians make the case that russians prefer authoritarian leaders and tackling the deep problems of alcohol addiction and rural isolation need street discipline and total control good or bad in the xander scase it seems to have proved efficient axon avoid r t the village of chaucer's syria we're going to region guess that's what we call for farai now water sports enthusiasts are flocking to the outskirts of moscow to bargain to this weekend. changing hands at the annual marine fair where one of the sailors could buy or sell used vessels. his works for a wetsuit and find out a bit more. if you're thinking about russia you're probably thinking about an awful lot of land but there's also an awful lot of water here and is this event today the world on the outskirts of moscow which is trying to show all the fun you could have
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around the water in russia there are three types of people who come to this event today first of the look surest types they're here to look at to try out and maybe to buy folks like behind me we're looking at a price tag of about half a million euros and up but inside no expense spared we had a look around some of these boats and on and inside they really are on the blog surest site second time the people here the leisure the people they've come here to relax on the banks they've come here to drink cocktails in the sun and to watch the first time people be active people they've come in to take part in a lot of the competitions here the sporting events wakeboarding the surfing competitions and they've come to try and show that you can have a lot of fun and be active in the water and i'm here to try and show that to by doing this. by flying you can show you how much footage you can have
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in the book it will show i'm going to go on the boat now i'm going to have a good time myself cheerio. cheerio for a while now russia's migration policy is in the spotlight shortly to my donati and i were going off slate to show i'll bring you the headlines just a moment before that here on r.t. international from moscow this saturday now the ninth of july or it's not exactly twenty eight minutes past eleven.
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first. second. to go deeper than the. third remain.
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on. the official. touch from the. video. feed with the palm of your. questions. around the world twenty four seventh's. top stories tonight in the latest chapter of the georgian spy saga high profile photographers are in the spotlight now to police he accuses them of working for moscow. video evidence to prove guilt
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skeptics say it's part of the government's agenda to boost anti russian hysteria. it's feet hundreds of people have been killed in a blast and took minustah but there is confusion because state officials say there were no fatalities human rights groups are reporting that a mission this factory blew up but the government works acts of. the owner of the british tabloid accused of hacking into the phones of murder victims is heading to london to take charge of the escalating crisis as police make arrests news the world is now facing claims it's meddled with evidence says it's fun edition goes to court. i'm kevin allen thanks for being with us tonight over but with more news in full thirty minutes time for moscow before but though how the arab influx into europe further strained its multicultural credentials and whether russia faces a similar conundrum spotlight.
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problem again the welcome to spotlight the interview show. the flow. has changed the demographics of the old world the. ethnic and cultural. multicultural europe has failed the problem is pretty similar in russia as a growing number of migrants from the former. from the european experience. heading their way here's the director of the federal migration service. detail published by the federal migration service a million economic migrants come to russia every year many of them come to the country illegally and. another problem is people coming from. either speak
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